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Amazon US West warehouse is abnormal! How do sellers respond?

Not long ago, Amazon just officially announced that Amazon Prime Day 2024 will be officially scheduled for July. As soon as the news came out, Amazon sellers' enthusiasm for stocking up was ignited, and they were all preparing for Prime Day. At the same time, a crisis without storage capacity came quietly. Recently, many Amazon sellers have reported that their goods in the Western United States cannot be delivered, and even if they are delivered, they cannot be put on the shelves in time. Very anxious.

It is understood that due to a large number of sellers preparing goods for Prime Day, many popular Amazon warehouses in the Western United States are experiencing a serious shortage of storage capacity. Since May, these warehouses have generally experienced abnormal turnover, temporary closure of warehouses, and frequent rejection of goods. Industry insiders said that the warehouses without storage capacity this time are mainly concentrated in GYR2, GYR3, LAS1, VGT2, LGB8 and SBD1 warehouses. Among them, the most serious situation is undoubtedly the GYR2 warehouse, which has been temporarily closed and stopped receiving goods. The specific reopening time has not yet been determined.

Warehouses such as XLX7 and VGT2 have refused to accept goods due to lack of storage capacity and full reservations. Appointments for popular warehouses such as SMF3 and LGB8 have been scheduled until mid-May, and the queue for unloading at GYR3 is as long as 18 hours, showing the seriousness of the backlog of goods. In addition, XLX7, ALB1, ONT8, SBD1, LGB8 and other warehouses have restrictions on the height of goods, and goods exceeding 1.8 meters will be rejected.

Some analysts pointed out that Amazon's large-scale lack of storage capacity this time is not only due to sellers preparing goods for Prime Day, resulting in a backlog of inventory, but also due to the recent frequent severe weather in the United States, which has seriously affected logistics and transportation. In addition, Amazon's recent large-scale layoffs have resulted in a labor shortage in warehouses, affecting the timeliness of warehousing and logistics.

In this case, sellers need to pay close attention to the distribution status of the goods in the backend and the operation of the warehouse, and try to avoid the affected warehouses to ensure that the goods can be warehoused on time and delivered smoothly. In addition, flexible adjustment of stocking plans is also key.

Secondly, optimizing product lists and inventory management cannot be ignored. Sellers need to accurately predict sales trends during Prime Day, use historical sales data and market analysis tools to reasonably estimate demand and avoid over-stocking. At the same time, Amazon’s inventory performance index (Inventory Performance Index) is used to guide inventory optimization, reduce redundant inventory, and improve capital turnover efficiency.

To sum up, in the face of the crisis of no inventory on the eve of Amazon Prime Day, sellers need to adopt a multi-dimensional and flexible strategy to eliminate passivity through measures such as inventory dispersion, logistics optimization, accurate forecasting, backup plans, and close follow-up of official updates. We are taking the initiative to ensure smooth supply during this peak sales period and maximize the business opportunities brought by Prime Day.


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